The Mexican printmaker Adriana Salazar Lamadrid was born in the desert, her vivid imagination, the use of strong colors and characteristic line comes from the rich vastness of the sonoran desert. Salazar attended University of Sonora (UNISON) in Hermosillo, Sonora (Son.), where she graduated with honors from the first generation of plastic artists in the state. She is also the first college graduate in her area. Adriana is currently working in her alma mater as a printmaking teacher in their Fine Art School. She is aware of the importance of working in a safe environment and the use of protection, so for the last two years she's been collaborating as head of the Fine Arts Department in the responsible use of nitric acid for Programa Institucional de Salud y Seguridad Ambiental de la Universidad de Sonora (PISSA-UNISON). She’s member of Sociedad de Grabadores de Sonora (society of engravers).
In Hermosillo she studied with Karla Rippley and famous international artist Vincent P. Rascón. Under his guidance Adriana worked William Stanley Hayter’s famous engraving technique Roll up. She had the opportunity to work in Cordova, Alaska with Dennis Koeng. She had solo exibitions in the International Festival Dr. Alfonso Ortiz Tirado 2008, 2007, Festival Kino 2007, Museo de Sonora Centro INAH Sonora and Casa de la Cultura in Guaymas. She has participated in group exibitions in the International Fesitval Dr. Alfonso Ortiz Tirado 2006, Museo de la Estampa in Toluca and Museo de Valle de Bravo (Edo. de México), Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas (ENAP) in Mexico City, Galería Fco. Eusebio Kino, Galería Manuel Romo, Centro de las Artes, Casa de la Cultura in Hermosillo and Universidad Nacional de Colombia (sede Palmira). Her work has been published in several magazines such as Savia, Tu Casa Nueva and University of Sonora's main magazine. Her work evokes magic, life, ravens and owl's spirits, dreams of lost worlds and pompous sea creatures. The land where she grew up, its people and its vegetation are also main themes of her prints. Her work can be appreciated online art webpage’s: Artreview ( and Artmajeur (